Thank you to the acts, to the attendees, and to our wonderful hosts, Kevin and Laura of the legendary The Palms Restaurant!

Another year of Wonder Valley Experimental is in the books, and we are beyond grateful for everyone’s enthusiasm. The bands were great, the fans stuck it out through the cold, and we had some really incredible volunteers that helped set up and tear down.

Next year’s date is April 5, 2025, and we’ll post the form soon.



It’s almost here!

Virtual Festival: Friday, April 5th, 8 pm, ONLINE at and there’s a Discord chat here:

Live: Saturday, April 6th, 5 pm – Midnight, FREE at The Palms Restaurant, 83131 Amboy Road, Twentynine Palms, CA

The wonderful Bill Almas has made this rad design for Wonder Valley 16! Proceeds from these shirts will go toward operating expenses for WVE 16, which is an all-volunteer production.

This is the home of the Wonder Valley Experimental Music Festival, held online and in Wonder Valley, California.

The call for performers goes out each year on December 26th.

The Virtual Festival is open to experimental music creators who submit a video 12-15 minutes in length, which will premiere on the Wonder Valley Experimental Youtube channel Friday, April 5, 2024.

The IRL Festival will be held at The Palms restaurant in Wonder Valley, California on Saturday, April 6, 2024. We are no longer accepting applications for the Festival in Wonder Valley. Please visit this page in September 2024 if you would like to participate in Wonder Valley 17.